It is a national and international association that represents over 30% of the fighting bull livestock breeders located in Spain, France and Portugal, currently with more than 350 registered farms.

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Among its main aims are the defence of the legitimate interests of its members, their representation to official bodies as well as keeping the associated breeders informed of all technical and economic issues of a general nature that may affect them in the development and operation of their business. In addition to overseeing the slaughter and dignified the production and treatment of all the cattle that are or have to be fought, except in the cases covered by current legislation and in its territorial area of application.

To ensure that the affiliated breeders freely fight their bulls in all kinds of bullfighting events, in accordance with the principle of free contracting. To stimulate and supervise the selection of the bullfighting breedings so that they are maintained in all their purity. Publishing and production of publications for dissemination. The composition and maintenance of the fighting bulls livestock register and its statistical organization and as a collaborating entity of Ministry of Agriculture Fishing and Food, to carry out the keeping of the Fighting Bovine Breed Family Tree with its registers, etc.

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Our ranchers breed bulls of all the “encastes”, destined to the different bullfighting competitions in Spain, Portugal, France and American countries


The fighting bull breeding (breed of breeds) stimulates biodiversity due to the wide genetic diversity of its own species and because it coexists, where it lives, with the autochthonous flora and fauna species.

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Our livestock ranches are located in natural areas where the fighting bull is reared among groves and pastures, which we, the breeders, take care to preserve and maintain.


Bullfighting is culture, history and tradition. For this reason it was declared Spanish Cultural Heritage (Law 18/2013, of 12 November). Since ancient times, bullfighting has served as an inspiration for different arts such as painting, literature, music, photography, etc.


We generate richness and fight against depopulation. We mobilize employees, suppliers and services, making visible our territories.


Bull meat is an excellent food with very good nutritional properties. Our Association belongs to the “Federación de Asociaciones de Raza Autóctona de Lidia”, whose mission is to value the production of bullfighting meat, and to spread its qualities to consumers and restaurateurs.

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The natural environment in which the fighting bull is reared, as well as its own beauty and the interest aroused by the work of livestock operations, make the brave countryside a first-class tourist resource.